Tuesday, July 13, 2004

non dreams

ever get the feeling htat you have lain in your bed the whole night without really sleeping at all? i remember tossing and turning, thinking about the three year report im supposed to hand in, what chapters needs to be rewritten, people i need to call. so first thing in the morning, i barely notice the birds chirping on my windowsill, or the rice coffee in my mug, or the dry vienna sausage wrinkled as prunes you see in california if ever you been there.

so the purpose of this entry is to unclutter because i am as cluttered as the rumpled sheets after an invasion of boogie monsters meet cookie monsters and those creatures and that storybook where the wild things are.

i left my cellphone in the office drawer so last night i didnt even have the distraction of racket, sky diver, an a pubescent textmate i met online.

supposedly life is about relationships and people. im building a relationship with my computer considering the amount of time i spent in front of it. yes we are engaged. but im married to my books. i have an affair with my cellphone. letters written in paper are a forgotten acquiantance.

good morning world.

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